What do need to photograph the starscape?
In 2024, there was a total solar eclipse in April, and there will be another interesting celestial event in the second half of 2024!
In the three-part series, we will introduce useful information for stargazing.
In today's first, we will introduce the items recommended for “photographing” the starscape.
1. SKYMEMO S Portable Tracking Mount Series
To capture the night sky, which is darker than during the day, the camera needs more light and more time.
However, since the earth is always moving, if the time is set longer, the stars will appear as if they are flowing and elongated, rather than dots.
In such cases, an equatorial mount is used. An equatorial mount is a tool that can track stars.
The Kenko SKYMEMO S series is a portable equatorial mount equipped with eight modes, not to mention the ability to track fixed stars.
It is possible to take still images as well as movies with the time-lapse function.
Photo Sample:
2. Starry Night Prosofton
When photographing stars, a "soft filter" can be used to enhance the stars with a good amount of blurring.
A "light pollution cut filter" can also be used to eliminate the yellowish colour cast caused by sodium lamps such as streetlights in towns and cities, and to produce a clear image.
The Kenko Starry Night Prosofton filter solves both of these problems with a single filter.
It allows you to capture the starry sky more beautifully and more clearly.
Photo Sample:
3. Night Focus
One of the most important points in photographing stars is "whether or not they are in focus".
From Earth, even the brightest first-magnitude star looks like a dot, it is hard to get the star in focus.
You may have had the experience of checking your photos after taking them and realizing that they did not turn out well because they were out of focus from the stars.
The Kenko Night Focus is a filter-type focusing tool that minimizes such difficulties and hassles and makes it easy to focus on stars.
4. PROND 100000
As many of you may know about ND100000, this filter is a highly concentrated ND filter used for photographing the sun.
On October 2, a Partial Solar Eclipse will be visible in Hawaii and South America, and an Annular Solar Eclipse will be visible in parts of Chile and Argentina!
Why not take this opportunity to try your hand at eclipse photography?
*The Kenko PROND100000 is a photographic filter.
*DO NOT attach it to a telescope or other optical product for observation, as it may cause blindness.
In the next article, we will introduce the items recommended for “watching” the starscape.